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Export of Products

Export of Bosch products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Bosch products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Bosch: condensing, convection, solid fuel and gas boilers, solar collectors, indirect heating boilers, gas and electric water heaters, industrial boilers, heat pumps, regulators, power modules
  • Industrial boilers Bosch
    Industrial boilers
    UNIMAT UT-L, UT-M, UT-H, etc.
  • Condensing boilers Bosch
    Condensing boilers
    Condens 3000 W, 5000 FM, etc.
  • Convection boilers Bosch
    Convection boilers
    Gaz 4000 W, 6000 W, 7000 W, etc.
  • Solid fuel boilers Bosch
    Solid fuel boilers
    series Solid 2000 B, 2000 H, etc.
  • Gas floor boilers Bosch
    Gas floor boilers
    series Gaz 2000 F, 2500 F, etc.
  • Indirect heating boilers Bosch
    Indirect heating boilers
    series W, WST, WSTB, ST, etc.
  • Gas water heaters Bosch
    Gas water heaters
    Therm 2000 O, 4000 S, 8000 S, etc.
  • Electric water heaters Bosch
    Electric water heaters
    Tronic 1000T, 2000T, 8000T, etc.
  • Heat pumps Bosch
    Heat pumps
    series EHP LW/M, WST EHP, etc.
  • Solar collectors Bosch
    Solar collectors
    Solar 5000 TF, 7000 TF series, etc.
  • Power modules Bosch
    Power modules
    IPM 1, IPM 2, ISM 1, ISM 2, ICM, etc.
  • Regulators Bosch
    B sol 050, CR10, FR 100, CW400, etc.
  • Accessories Bosch
    NR28, VF, TF2, SF4, N839, SV20, etc.


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